The C0rrupted1

The C0rrupted1
The Dark One

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last Stand Script

Drive through up to beach)
Robert: "Nice driving... next let me."
Francis: "Quit your bitching already we're here alive except last time you were given the wheel."
Robert:"Forget about that. Anyway (get out of warthog) the guns should be right behind this. (Break pallet)
(Both grab BR's)
Francis:"Okay, Steve, when I give you the signal start driving in to give us a pick up."
Steve:"Okay. Listen guys, remember that you have the protype stealth armor but not sure when it will decactivate."
Francis:"Yeah, Yeah."
(Start running. Go through the right caves and use camo. Walk up to the guard crouching Francis stay's on guard's left, Robert on right.)
(Francis pokes guard) Guard:"What the" (Robert pokes) Guard:"What the hell." (Robert pokes again and crouches to guard at the switch) Guard: "God damn it" (Francis pokes) Guard: "GOD DAMN IT! Joe if that's you I'm going to-" Joe:"I'm over here." Guard:"(studder) Fuck you." Joe:"Sideways." Guards:" Wait...wait what?" Joe:"Nothin. I got to go(run back in).
(Francis pokes him) Guard:"God da- so it's been you." (Francis studders and panic then punch him and his body.
Guards two:"What the... Oh shit."
(Robert coughs. Guard turn around with gun pointed to his head.) Robert:" Open the door or else." Guard:"Okay don't kill me.(Open the door) There happy." (Shoot him in the head)
(Both move in to where Joe went)Joe:"Oh, yeah that is so hot man. I wish to be that man." Francis:"What the hell are you watching?" (Joe turn around and looks at him. [Say wahtever you want as long as he's scared.]) Francis:[Say whatever you want then kill him]
Robert:"Nice job. Okay let's go in the armory grab extra suits."
(Run to armory. [Quit game change armor to mark 6 and all blue]
(Walk into the party and wait)
VIP:"Make sure that no one without a invatation gets in. I heard that someone is coming to kill me for buying the whole company. Oh shit got to go take a leak keep a eye out."
(Captian nods)
Robert:"Okay now's are chance. I'm going to stay here and talk to those hot girls dance. You go kill the VIP and we run before anyone notices"
Francis:"Got it" (Runs to bathroom then run back) "Wait, a minute I did that last time you do it."
Robert:"What?" Francis:"You kill the VIP and I'll talk to those hot girls." Robert:"Come on man they are hot." Francis:"Excatly the point! Now do it or I'll shoot you in the head."
Robert:"Come on you wouldn't.(Francis reloads the gun aiming at his head) Okay maybe you would.(Start running)
(Take pistol out and aims at him and coughs) VIP:"Huh, what the heck are you doing here go back to your po-(shot him right when he finishes "go")
(RUns out to Francis) Robert:"Okay it's been delivered let's go before anyone notices(Run to the armory. Quit game and change back to everything)
Guest:"Oh god need to go to bathroom. Never going to drink three barrels of punch again.(Run into the bathroom) Oh my god... why the heck is this bathroom filthy I mean really I know it's a bathroom but come on. Oh, a dead body...A DEAD BODY(start screaming and run out) POLICE!" (Everyone start screaming)
(Robert and Francius walks out) Robert:"Well if they don't know we're here they do now."
(Police started coming out and battle ensures) [Whoever police is keep attacking but don't hit them] (Francis pound air towards Steve and drives toward them)
Steve:"Get in the car and drive."
(Start firing until in the car-Francsis driving, Robert passenger, Steve gunner)
(Start shooting them) (A police grabs sniper as he broke through and shoots Robert in the chest causing car to flip on rock or stop)
Steve:"Oh shit, Robert are you okay?" (Francis goes behind car and starts shooting fir cover) Robert:"I had a bullet go through my chest!"
(Steve walks up to Rob crouch) Steve:"Come on man get up." (Gets up) Rob:"Move!" (Both jump away and Steve shoots sniper in the head. Steve runs to Rob and walks him to the car as Francis shoots them.) [Say whatever you want to say until you get to the car] Rob:"Drive man drive!" (Drive to beach)
(Francis stands up) Francis:"Jesus, they send us whatever we want but can't send us a freaking bed." Rob:"Quit your bitching man. Anyway we have to see Steve. Something about another job." (Francis sigh. Both walk to the base and hears bad opera music) Franci:"We should have brought some of our own music. He always pick the crappy ones."Rob:"For once Francis you are correct." Both:"Steve!" (Turns around turning off radi) Steve:"You don't have to yell." Rob:"Dude are you serouis." (Both walk up to Steve)
Steve:"We got the call from the General. He wants to talk to all of us."
Francis:"Man, I hate that guy. Last time we did a mission his men shot me just for coughing."
Rob:"You coughed with a grenade in your hand attempting to place it in his pants."
Francis:"Uhhh...That's beside the the point. Point is that I hate him."
Steve:"Enough with this pointless conversation. We're patching through."
(Screen turns on) General:"Well hello men and you too Francis." (Francis laughs sarcastly)
Rob:"Well Sir, what is it that you want us to do?"
General:"It's classfied. All you need to know is what to do and-" Francis:"No. Screw you. If you want to help then you have to give us all the detail and you know. Whatever your hiding will come out or we won't do it!"
General:"No! All you need to know is the job, the details, and the pay."
Steve:"Sir, how come you can't send in your own men to do this?"
General:"We can't send any of our men so we need you to do it so are you or not?"
Rob:"Will sir, unless you give us more detail we won't do it."
General:[Say anything in a murmer then sigh] We have suspcion that there is terroist at one of the outer warehouses. We can't send any operatives is that the bank sign something that says that if any milatary personall get stand on there grounds they will sue, making things worse for the government. We know they are terrosist because they shot down one of our birds that were heading home and it landed in there area. They are even acting like a gang so they aren't in our jurisjiction but the police force in the area but don't have any proof to raid it. So we need you to go in there take a sample of the goods kill their leader and areturn to us so we can finish it up. Will you take the job know"
(All of them stare at each other) Francis:"When do we start?"